what have we learned boys & girls:
- never pose
- pose trim
- pose standing
get it?!?

"I am only one, but I am still one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." - Edward Everett Hale
Different used of the word 'makan'..
one of my fave jap pop song..it's not about the song itself, but more of the feeling it gives me everytime i listen to it..reminds me of dreams..people with dreams..people smiling..people happy..full of positive energy! people hand in hand heading for a great and brighter future,TOGETHER!
"as one, we are stronger"
this song always makes me happy..if you can't stand watching the guys singing this song, just close your eyes and enjoy the music!! hahahahaaa...
Remember Takuya Kimura? He's the icon for Japanese Idol..SMAP was the begining of Japanese, well, more to asian boybands..and Takuya Kimura is "the" legend. The Levis model..hhmmm..go back in time by watching this video i found on youtube!