A fantastic movie indeed..totally deserve an oscar, too bad the actors did not win anything despite their excellent performance. well, then again, i'm not a film critic!
What i can tell you is basically my take out of the movie. It's simple...no matter how bad or good a person or an incident to you, they will play an important part in your life. It will be part of who you are and what you will become. "Everything happends for a reason" is a true saying. God will never allow things to happen without having a positive impact in our life. Like in the movie, every bad incident that had happened to the boy during his course of life played an important role in him winning the 20million rupee. All the bad people are people who helped him achieve his dream. Honesty and earnest also plays a big role. But the most imporatant lesson i learned from the movie directly and indirectly is that when things are meant to be, it is meant to be. No one can take it away from us. No matter how hard ones try.
Therefore, with every happiness and sadness, we have to thanked God for blessing it for us to learn and become a better person to ourself and people around us.
Accept. Appreciate. Work hard.
Your dream will come true.