I am not an expert in psychology nor in children nor in being a good parent. I just observe, digest, feel and speak my mind, when there's one to be spoken.
Yesterday, a normal day in advertising, I did a photo shoot for a milk ad (well, it's actually for a packaging of a milk product for toddlers). Anyway, it was a second re-shoot. And during this normal activity, I witnessed an abnormal condition which I thought can be considered a warning on how the future generation can become. It was a horrifying sight and sad at the time.
I don't know what or where it went wrong. Was it the up bringing, the parents, the grand parents, the environment, TV...what was the cause of the two kids becoming total brats! They were both 3 years old, aware that they were good looking (Eurasian), "special", "princess", "prince", rude, etc, etc...a complete horror movie. They had no respect for the adults, kicking and punching them, saying bad words such as "stupid", "retard"..and this was to grown ups!!! And the worse thing was the fact that their parents was there. At the end of the day, no one thought they were cute anymore. When they left, we were cursing them not to come back and at the same time praying that they will be given a chance to be taught right and grow up to become good people.
Dear parents,
What I saw yesterday is a warning, a sign. It is important to love our kids, but it is also very crucial to love them correctly. Loving our kids is being able to prepare them as much as possible to survive in this world and make them a part of making the world a better place to live in the future.
It is our responsibility to teach them emphatic, love, care, appreciation, responsibility, courage, integrity, passion, etc. All the basic essence of a good human being. Able to teach all is definitely a challenge as we, ourselves, have a long way to go to master it all. It is sad to watch kids not able to accept not getting what they want, or kids that lives only with believes that beauty is everything and only it can bring them success and power. Or kids that are spoiled to death that they are incapable of doing anything themselves. Imagine what would happened to these kids if all was taken away from them? If their parents can't afford the luxury anymore?
Allow me to answer my own question. They would be depressed, low esteem, and might even become a danger to the society. Therefore, we have to prepare our kids for the real life. That in life you have to work hard, appreciate for what has been given to you by God, love your family, friends and the community you live in. Help each other and learn as much as possible from anybody and anything. Money is not the ultimate wealth, knowledge is. As it is unlimited and will be able to be kept till after life. Money is limited and only accessible in this world only and won't get you far.
Parents, let's be sensitive and responsible. Be unselfish and think of them after we are out of this world. It's not about us, it's about them.
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