Dear Jamie and friends at Asia 21 network,
First of all, on behalf of the Indonesian team, I would like to thank the whole Asia 21 network for your kind attention and concern for the well being of Indonesia. It really gave us hope.
On this opportunity, I would like to update you on what has been done, planned and what kind of help we need to overcoming the flood disaster, short term, mid term and long term in Jakarta or anywhere prone to it in Indonesia.
After gathering data and intensive discussions with the government, local authorities, city planning experts, media, NGO’s and various private sectors, we have identified the following:
Short term problems such as food, shelters, medications, sanitation has been and is being taken care of by the government, private sectors and NGO’s. Our friends from the neighboring countries have lent a hand by providing food and medicines. Doctors from various universities around the nation have come to Jakarta to provide free health check up for people affected by the floods and surrounding, especially in the shelters. Now, as the floods are “on and off” draining, more doctors have come to anticipate the aftermath. Basically, as difficult as it seems, up till now, the nation is still able to handle the short term solution.
First of all, on behalf of the Indonesian team, I would like to thank the whole Asia 21 network for your kind attention and concern for the well being of Indonesia. It really gave us hope.
On this opportunity, I would like to update you on what has been done, planned and what kind of help we need to overcoming the flood disaster, short term, mid term and long term in Jakarta or anywhere prone to it in Indonesia.
After gathering data and intensive discussions with the government, local authorities, city planning experts, media, NGO’s and various private sectors, we have identified the following:
Short term problems such as food, shelters, medications, sanitation has been and is being taken care of by the government, private sectors and NGO’s. Our friends from the neighboring countries have lent a hand by providing food and medicines. Doctors from various universities around the nation have come to Jakarta to provide free health check up for people affected by the floods and surrounding, especially in the shelters. Now, as the floods are “on and off” draining, more doctors have come to anticipate the aftermath. Basically, as difficult as it seems, up till now, the nation is still able to handle the short term solution.
Medium term solution is to encourage that all houses and buildings must have a “rain water observance well/ground water well” (I don’t know the correct English term for “sumur resapan”). If all houses/buildings in Jakarta have this well, it will not only decrease the floods during rainy season (as it is absorb by the ground first before it goes through the sewage), it will also help the people against deficit of water during dry season. In long term, it will also stabilize the land condition of Jakarta. Prevent decrease of ground volume.
(See picture attached)

Long term solution on paper/plan, the government has. Last week, we have met Marco Kusumawijaya, an expert in city planning (independent/non-government) shared with us some information on why the government plan has not yet been executed. As fantastic it is on paper, the situation on the ground is totally the opposite. The governments plan in summary are as follows:
Maximize the function of 13 rivers that flows through Jakarta, by:
i. Cleaning garbage and temporary houses
ii. Secure area for public service. Relocate homes to another location or compensation
iii. Strict construction policy and law
Construction of the east canal
i. Cleaning garbage and temporary houses
ii. Secure area for public service. Relocate homes to another location or compensation
iii. Strict construction policy and law
Construction of the east canal
The governments plan will be good if it all is understood and supported by the people. The main problem for the government is actually the relocating of residential houses and the cleaning of the temporary houses built on the side of the rivers that cause the blockage. The government’s poor track record in similar activity in the past adds in to the already difficult situation.
After the discussion, we identified what Asia 21- Indonesia can help within our capacity and capabilities (hopefully, with guidance and help from the network). The plan is as follows:
After the discussion, we identified what Asia 21- Indonesia can help within our capacity and capabilities (hopefully, with guidance and help from the network). The plan is as follows:
Objective: To change attitude
a. Education/Socialization campaign for the importance of building the “ground water well” in every house
a. Education/Socialization campaign for the importance of building the “ground water well” in every house
and how to build it
b. Education/Socialization and Persuasion campaign on the importance of maximum function of the river
a. To launch an integrated communications campaign
b. Targeted to:
a. To launch an integrated communications campaign
b. Targeted to:
- General public
- People living in the “restricted area”
- People living in the “restricted area”
- Schools
- Community leaders
- Media
- Government
- Corporate (fundraising, good governance)
c. Supported with communications material that is simple, visual and easy to understand
d. That clearly define the reason why and the how to
e. Utilizing medium most commonly used by the target audience
f. The communications campaign will be executed as follows:
- Face to face education/socialization in communities, schools, restricted areas, etc.
- Advertising: TVC, print, outdoor, advertorial, radio
- Public Service Ad in format, can be endorsed by public figure/celebrities
g. Public Relations:
- Press briefing and workshop, Editorial
- Education/Socialization at community centers, schools, etc. è poster, flyer's è why and how
- Radio talk show, announcements, etc.
h. Educational short movie by Riri Riza (Indonesia’s young film director)
- Community leaders
- Media
- Government
- Corporate (fundraising, good governance)
c. Supported with communications material that is simple, visual and easy to understand
d. That clearly define the reason why and the how to
e. Utilizing medium most commonly used by the target audience
f. The communications campaign will be executed as follows:
- Face to face education/socialization in communities, schools, restricted areas, etc.
- Advertising: TVC, print, outdoor, advertorial, radio
- Public Service Ad in format, can be endorsed by public figure/celebrities
g. Public Relations:
- Press briefing and workshop, Editorial
- Education/Socialization at community centers, schools, etc. è poster, flyer's è why and how
- Radio talk show, announcements, etc.
h. Educational short movie by Riri Riza (Indonesia’s young film director)
Jamie, we are open and will appreciate if you or anyone within the network can give us an input or additional ideas or case studies on successful similar activities for additional learning’s or anything relevant that can help in any way.
Great idea they said. Great initiative they said. But no input nor reply from anybody in the network. Sad but true. I really want to do something. I really want to bring Asia 21 to life. But a network is a network, like a society is a society. An individual can't make up a society, but she can make the first step. The first initiative. To bring the society alive.
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