George, someone I use to date a long time ago. He was not only that but also my best friends big brother. I have known him since my high school years but we only became close after college. We started our relationship after his car accident in Lucern. He was in coma and couldn't walk for almost a year. Due to trauma, no one in the family allowed him to recover. They were over protective which made him afraid to step back into the real world.
I came into his life and changed everything. Everyday I'd encourage him to lose the wheel chair and walk. I told him that my dream was to walk with him to a fine dining restaurant, dance, walk in the mall, watch movies and travel the world. Everyday I can see him try harder and harder. From losing the wheel chair until he was able to drive again and finally walk on his own.
Of course soon after he is well, he went back to school in Den Haag. I visited him once but we broke up not long after that. Long distance relationship is not my thing.
Since the breakup, George was just another "jerk" ex-boyfriend. He was a spoiled brat. He got married and so did I.
Not long ago George divorced his wife to live with another woman. I was angry at the way he treated his wife. No respect at all. He was frank about his relationship with the other woman and didn't come home for most of the time. Eventhough he was like me, always honest about his feelings and who he is, I didn't agree the way he was hurting the mother of his child. Naturally his parents didn't approve his extra marital relationship.
Today, I heard that he finally got married with his "other woman".
Today, I am very proud of him.
He married the love of his life. He, unlike me, have found his soulmate. Someone that he is willing to give his life for. He gave up everything he has, including his own family, to be with her. For a person like George, it is a very nobel act. I admire him for having the courage to stand up and fight for what he believes. He had risked everything for her. Not only limited to him, I am also very proud of his wife. Her courage to walk through the blizzard and hurricane up till the minute she walked through the aisle, was courages.
Not many will agree with me being proud of them but not many will agree also with the unfairness they had to experience. How his parents asked the priest not to wed them at the last minute in church when the ceremony was about to start. And how no one from his family came. Not even his sister whom he had always supported all these years when she had cheated on her husband. He was always there for her, especially during bad times. As much as you dissapproved his choice, she ought to be there for him. They were very close.
Who gave the right for anyone to control someone elses life. Who gave parents the right to control their children's life. Faith is in God's hand. If you are meant to be, you are meant to be. Others can only postpone. They deserves as much happyness as any other person. They might have started it wrongly, but they deserve to have the chance for a right and happy ending.
George, I am very proud of you. Be always grateful that God has given you a chance to be happy and in love. Appreciate every minute of it as it should be worth all the sacrifice you made. But then again, if it is for love it won't feel like a sacrifice but only good. And never regret as it was your choice. You took this path with every responsibility that goes with it. If you can walk again, you can have everything again. Remember dear, you have not lost everything, it's just placed on hold until you are ready.
Have a wonderful life...
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