Sunday, March 11, 2007

the four agreements - in our life

how the four agreements book changed Oprah and her life...

First Agreement

"Be impeccable with your word," brings me clarity. If I'm impeccable with my word all the time, if I never gossip, if I always do everything I say I will, including being on time, my mind is clearer. That first agreement leads to the ability to keep the others.

The Second Agreement

"Don't take anything personally," was life-changing. For years I'd had the disease to please. If someone asked me to do something, I felt I had no choice. It was like, 'Oh, I've gotta.' What's more, I took other people's opinions about me to heart. I'd read the tabloids and think, 'Why do they say things that aren't true? Why make up stories?' And I'd be hurt. Maya Angelou used to tell me, 'You're not in it,' meaning, these people don't know who you are. They're not people who give you anything. But it took this book to really drive home the point that everyone's acting out of their own preconceptions. They're in their own personal movie. Knowing that has freed me. If someone asks me for a favor, I will do it only if I want to. But the 'have to' is gone, because I don't take other people's reactions personally.

The Third Agreement

"Don't make assumptions," can save you so much anxiety and grief. You allow experiences to be what they are, rather than focusing on what should happen or what people should or could do.

The Fourth Agreement

"Always do your best," that's ingrained in me. I know it's worth it to give 100 percent and then some. When I do my best, I never have to worry that I could have done better. But I've learned to let go of the expectations and the anxiety about what others will think. Read the excerpt that follows and let it make a difference for you too.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

what's up with this world?

Tsunami, Katrina, earthquakes, mud's, landslides, war, hunger, poverty, corruption, devastation after another. What is wrong with us people? On top of what's happening in the world, some people still choose to go to war. What is wrong with you people? Why can't natural suffering be enough? Why must we create our own suffering? Is torturing other people so glamorous? Will it make you feel powerful? Why do you want to create enemy's? For what? Well, as naive as I might be, allow me to answer the question for you. It's for POWER. But why? Will you be happy? Will your grand children be happy and proud of you?
There's so much hatred in this world, it makes me suffocated. People fighting about which believes is more superior than the rest or most of the time without any valid reason at all like for the sake of selling weapons to stupid countries. Sad but it's reality. This is what has become to us humans. We are a species created by God that is supposed to be smarter than the rest, but ended up the stupidest of all. And all because of greed. Greed of power. We are slaves of power.
Us humans only knows how to point at other people, judge other people and forget about who and what we've become. I honestly feel scared just thinking about it. People are contradicting whatever they've said. Double standard here and there. I honestly don't know where to start, if I were supposed to fix this world.
Religion fighting religion. Classic. Have you ever read any holy bible (Koran, Buddhism, etc.) and actually found written the fact that God will condemn anyone who turns his/her back on Islam, Christianity, Buddhism? - of course you won't find it. The only sentence written is that God will condemn anyone who turns his/her back from Him not the religion. From that fact it is clear that all religion is the same. It worship God and religion is just the vehicle in which we use to guide us to Him. Therefore, why are people fighting in the name of a religion and creating suffering for others. Strange how greed of power can blind you like that. I am beyond sad. I am angry. I miss the world that I once loved. Or maybe the world has always been like this? Maybe it was just me that didn't want to see it like other people did. Was it really always been like this? Was it?
Are we facing "armagedon"? What should I pray for? Peace? Forgiveness? I have no answer as I am lost. But one thing I'm sure that we humans need to learn to love again, be grateful again, be thankful again and not take things, people or even God for granted again.
I guess today is the result of not.

Friday, March 2, 2007

why not fashion magazine

"..then here..."

" all started from 10 best female executive 2005 majalah Dewi version..."

Rika & Rose nominated me...I am very grateful for the opportunity they've given me. It opened alot of doors of greater opportunities that I didn't even imagine.
and the rest is history...

an american in jakarta

our friend, Sadanand Dhume, a Bernard Schwartz Fellow Asia Society Washington Center was here in Jakarta. We had lunch together at Kembang Goela with the Asia 21 gang...Sandi, Daniel, Christina, Meutya and me...minus Vero, Maria who was still in England, Enda who was still in Thailand and Anies who was giving lecture at British Council and UI. It was refreshing for me to meet everybody, a bit out of the ordinary daily routine. I had a wonderful time.By the way, CONGRATULATIONS Vero on the Asia 21 Fellowship.

Look on how much we've changed since the last time we all were together..

anies, sandi, christina, me and sadanand