Monday, January 29, 2007

we are water

“Hado creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.”

by Masaru Emoto

The Japanese researcher in question is Dr. Masaru Emoto, chief of the Hado institute in Tokyo. He is the author of many books concerning the phenomenon of ' Hado'. The two ideograms comprising this expression Hado (pronounced hadou to rhyme with shadow) literally mean "wave" and "move". This following definition is how Dr. Emoto himself describes the phenomenon, which led him to a series of remarkable discoveries pertaining to the nature of water.
Hado: The intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. The smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness.

A rapid understanding of Hado quickly spread throughout Japan as Dr. Emoto's theory gained ground. The word subsequently became part of daily language. "The Hado of this place is really low. Let's leave." "That person has a really powerful Hado." "Let's change the Hado of this environment." Conversational pieces such as this now abound in Japan and it is largely due to his revolutionary photographs of water crystals under high magnification. Frozen crystals of water? Yes, like this..

"Arigatou" -Thank you in Japanese

This is not just any crystallised molecule of water however. What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the Hado phenomenon is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect PHYSICAL reality. By producing different Hado through written and spoken words, as well as music and literally presenting it to the SAME water samples, the water appears to "change its expression". The exquisite beauty of the above crystal of frozen tap water is clearly the result of Hado being projected at it. The expression of human gratitude (arigatou) is thus immediately reflected in water. Well, if this appears to be the case then let's see what other 'expressions' water may have...

...My thoughts....
At first I had no interest at all in the book or even the topic as I thought it was another religious book. The reason being that it was a book that my husband gave my dad for his birthday last year. As anybody who knows me well, I am very cynical about religious leaders, books, etc. Afraid of propaganda, I guess. But one day, this book was just there next to my laptop and I started browsing through the pages and saw magnificent photo's of water particles and it's effect to various expressions, music, climate, etc. I was amazed by it. Then, on the same day, my dad had a discussion with my husband during our Sunday lunches and I couldn't help myself over hearing the deep thoughts of this water subject. Amazing, I said to myself. If we are made of 70% water, it means that our body and the world (which also is made 70% from water) will react as bad and as good to expressions, music, prayers, etc. Thinking about it, no wonder beautiful people will become more beautiful because people around them keeps praising them, so the water in them reacts beautifully to the expression. It goes the opposite way too. The ugly gets uglier. Our environment will destruct because we as its guardian takes it for granted, and it's the worst of "expression" kind the water reacts to. If it's scolded or ignored, the crystal is at it's worst form. Human's will reach worst stage of emotion if ignored, just like the water crystal. Now I know why praying and having a glass of water infront and drinking it afterwards, will actually bring good as its reaction is positive. And another point I noticed in the book was that water crystal reacts equally beautiful to all good prayers from any religion. With a smile I can say, that all religion teaches us to be good and is equally good. It's human's vested interest that creates the differences and chaos.

Human's, I don't know why we can't just appreciate what we have and live in peace. I don't understand when power became so important that it's worth to kill for.

more than words

after 35 year's on this earth, these quotes are not only true...but it's reality.

"I am only one, but I am still one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."

- Edward Everett Hale

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

- Harvey Fierstein

"Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not."

- Henri Frederic Amiel

"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth."

- Benjamin Disraeli

Monday, January 22, 2007

i feel better about myself

It's strange or even cruel on how I can feel good over other peoples wrong doing/misfortune. Usually I feel sorry and bad. Well, I'm a romantic, I can actually cry watching winners on Supermarket Sweep because I feel their joy at that winning moment, winning millions of dollar. So how can I be so cold???

Since I was a little girl, one thing I learned was that anything that looks or sound to good to be true, usually are to good to be true. And I don't know whether I am being defensive or permissive or trying to justify my actions, I always feel religion is personal and private that other people should not get involved with. How can people judge or intervere with something that does not have anything to do with them today, tomorrow and in the after life. Who gives you the right to judge other people? To interfere? We as humans don't actually know exactly what is really right or wrong. And I believe that everybody is born into this world with a specific role that they have to perform. Most probably, it is so the world will be balanced and interesting enough for me and you to live in. Bad and good, devils and angels must live side by side in order to create the yin yang's of life. Balance.

In today's post, I wanted to share with you how someone's misfortune made me feel better about myself.

All my life I've always been honest about who I am. The good and the bad. I just avoid or hide somewhere from anyone until my problems are solved. Well, I am also not a religious person (in the standard of general public) in the sense that, yes - I'm a muslim, but I don't pray 5 times a day and I love to drink alcohol, party at night, take designer drugs occassionally (a long time ago when I was at my prime fresh 20's), loves fashion and beautiful things and adores the opposite sex. But beyond all that chaotic hobby, I have a passion for social work, friendship, books, admiration for peoples success and (actually) have a strong believe in God. I respect and appreciate people, and if I have a super rich husband I would really quit my job to do as much social work as possible to help the less fortunate and make this world a better place to live in. Where everybody have equal opportunity and intimidation of any kind is non existence. I am a hard worker that believes integrity and mutual benefit is religion in work ethics.

Anyway, me being me, I allowed people to judged and precondition me as on the red side of the court. I even once broke up with a boyfriend because he couldn't see beyond the cover. He saw me with his eyes not with his heart. People say I am a bad muslim and I will definitely go to hell. I even felt like I belonged in the circle of the third class citizens, especially amongst "religious" people wearing the veil or those that pray's 5 times a day plus all the other prayers available. One time, in the previous agency I've worked at, the client service director who obviously wore a veil ask everyone "who would you believe, a Lia or a woman that wears a veil like me?" - she answered "definitely the veiled woman" (as usual I just laugh like the devil I am). Due to the way I dressed and my affectionate personality, it's so easy for people to say I'm a slut or I'm easy. But you know what? It's only perception, it's what people want me to reality, it's not easy for a guy to sleep with me. Just ask anyone who actually had tried in the past or even today. I may look care free and easy, but in reality I'm not. I was actually surprised that a friend of mine (she wears veil on a daily basis), during the fasting month of Ramadan, actually cheated on her husband and slept with another guy in a motel. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!! I couldn't even believe it when she told me. I was in shocked!!! Wow, how lucky she is to be able to do it and still be perceived as "a good muslim". But isn't it being hypocrite??? I may be walking on the red side, but one thing I'm not is a hypocrite. I am what I am. Honest to death about it. You can hate me but one thing I would never do is lie to you, especially about who I am. I may not be a good wife or mother, but I never paint a different image of myself to my husband and son. I don't pretend but why am I the bad one. If to be good in your eyes I have to deny who I am and lie, I rather be an honest devil and not be liked by you. As, as a muslim I know that I have to answer to only God for all my actions, good or bad. My responsibility is to Him and not all the hypocrites in this world that uses God's name to intimidate people like me to feel as if I am not worthy to stand and live in the same level as they are. I am not saying I am right, what I am saying is no one has the right to teach people to be hypocrite. We should empower people to be what they want to be, love and respect each individuals uniqueness, as the unique in each person is the treasure of the world for us to pick, digest and absorb the essence to help you develop into the best person you can be in this life and after.
Another incident that made me feel better about myself is...

The end of last year I became free. AA Gym, a well known wise muslim leader did something naughty. He had an affair and later on marries her but kept his wife. This incident would be normal if it had happened to me or any normal person. But this happened to him, a religious leader, someone who kept advocating to love and respect your spouse and to never hurt them. And he broke all his teaching. He even said something as stupid as "how can I advocate against polygamy, if I myself have not yet experienced it. He said it on national TV. And he said that he's only human. This point is what made me can he say that he's only human??? If he took (dare to take) the role of religious leader and enjoyed all the power that comes with it (believe me - it's powerful), how can he not take the responsibility of not be careless in whatever he does as he was whom people look up to and laid their hopes on. He was hope for Islam in Indonesia. I can't believe that he did something that is far worst than what I would've done. At least I am not a hypocrite, I am what you see. I don't hide my bad side to anyone.

If a person as "mighty religious" as AA Gym can do means that I am not as bad as what people say...I'm actually not bad at all...I am just more honest and open about it. I am not ashamed of who I am. Learnings number 1.

Learnings number 2, believe and follow only God, as He would never dissappoint you as human does. He would stand to what He says, promised or cursed. I have always relied on God, spoken to only Him when I'm lost, and he has never left me stranded or hopeless. He always gave ways to solve and make things better. I believe in Him and only Him, as only the best comes from Him.

No one is really better than you. Do good, work hard, have integrity, stay positive, believe in yourself and God, and (insya allah) everything will go right. Amien.
Don't feel less about yourself just because you are different. You are unique and you should be thankful that you are. Embrace and appreciate.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

don't look the wrong way!

I use to always get so dissappointed on how people don't appreciate the good things or hard work I did. I would cry and feel totally exhausted and fatigue.

Looking back on all the incidents with a bit of self introspection, there are a few things that made me become so miserable. And it's all from within me.

The first is the "second child" syndrome effect. I was always craving for attention, a pad at the back, praises from my bosses as I always wanted from my parents. Being a second child, I felt I was never good enough compared to my elder sister and younger brother. So, when I didn't get the reaction I was hoping from my bosses when I work my ass off to do beyond satisfying job, I was devastated. But the great thing of being a second child is that I became strong and successful as I felt the need to always be better than the rest. I would not let anyone make me feel small or incapable of anything. Intimidation of any kind actually motivates me to exel further. I am independent, a problem solver, a fighter but I don't easily trust people. I emphatize for others as I can feel that I can relate to their pains. So, thinking deeper about it, the second child syndrome actually did more good than bad.

So what was the main reason? Wanting, begging, waiting, expecting praise from the wrong people, and shutting my eyes and ears to see and hear thousands of praises from thousands of people around me. It had no value to me, which is wrong. Today, I don't do things for praise from others, I do what I do for me, to make me happy. Rewards, praises are bonus. This way of thinking made me feel happy, about myself, life and people around me.

What they say about "learn to make yourself happy before making other people happy" is totally correct. Coz if you are happy and have no expectations, life is wonderful...and everyday feels like you are blessed with gifts and fortune, because every praise or reward is like a surprise present! Imagine....

I love should too.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

no disaster is real disaster

In this post, I will reveal to you my first best kept secret. - I'm currently praying that it's not going to be something I regret for the rest of my life ;p

Here it goes...after high school I told my parents that I didn't want to go to university. I didn't even make the effort to take the national test or application or whatever you call it back then in 1990's. What I wanted was to be a housewife or airline stewardes, but off course my parents objected to both. Housewife to young and stewardes over their dead body as my dad, back then, was the executive vice president of the nation's flag carrier. So no way!!! So with all my learning handicaps...just for your information, so you know me better;when I was in high school, I never actually open my text books. I mean never!!!. I cheat during class tests and before report day, I would go to my parents "parcel storage room" (it's a room where my parents store the parcel's that they get from business associate that they haven't opened) with my friends and took blenders, VCR, chocolate, or even TV and wrapped it to bribe the teachers. That's how I survive high school. Well, I'm not saying that I'm dumb...I know I'm not. But I know my talents..I'm a great negotiator, debator, seller ( I can sell anything - I guess that's the reason I'm in advertising), I'm creative, I have leadership, a trend setter and I was popular in both good and bad ways. And what actually helped my carreer now (strangely) is I love to party and socialize. School for me was was primary.

Anyway, one day my dad told me that he found a school that is to my criteria. I wanted only to study not more than 3 years and it had to be abroad. So, my dad enroll me to a hotel management school in Singapore.

I enjoyed Singapore immediately as I lived in that city for 5 years before when my dad was stationed there as asia's area manager of the national flag carrier I told you earlier. I lived alone - total freedom - and at 17 no parents and money...what would you do??? Naturally I partied, shop and fool around...I had a fantastic time and wasted alot of money that now I regret if thinking about it. So naturally, how can I graduate?? - the secret: I never graduated. Until this day.
But strangely enough, it's actually the reason why I am what I am today. A general manager of a multinational advertising agency. Actually, I became a GM when I was 29 and I was the youngest GM in the network. Even today my friends are amazed to what I have achieved. My parents and me personally too. Do you know why? It's because I work so hard to ensure that I performed, exceed and succeed, in order to distract my parents from asking for my diploma. Can you imagine? I was so scared of my dad finding out that his daughter failed, so I did extremely well at work. Uuuuh...there's something I forgot to tell you. After hotel school, I went back home to Jakarta and worked in a hotel. I got fired!!! For what??? For falling asleep in the toilet coz I was too tired after a party. And then I decided to quit work and play hard for a year. After that I went back to work in a hotel and got fired again...why?? because I just couldn't do what I want to do. I couldn't be creative.

So, on top of having to hide from my dad, I had to hide from the hotel industry coz 2 times fired is definitely not a great reputation to have. I ended up in advertising. My true love. In an ad agency, I have the liberty to express my dreams, my ideas, my creativity and someone else is paying for it. In an ad agency, there are no strict rules to follow, no politics. You can dress as you like and come in as you like, and on top of it it feels like everyday is a party. It's fun and un-monotone. My passion burns, my energy I sprinted my carreer.

Blog I understand that everything happends for a reason. Sometimes you're on top, sometimes down. I don't think people should be ashamed of their failures or wrong doing. What's important is the learnings and how you pull yourself back up and proof to yourself that you're not a loser. Cause no one is. Imagine..if I was not as foolish as I was before, I don't think I'll be what I am today. Therefore, I thank all my bosses that fired me and everybody else who looks down and didn't believe in me. Bacause if all of them had done otherwise, I would not have pushed myself this hard to be me today. Thank you.
My dad once told me: failure is the begining of something better. Every successful person have experienced failure. That is why now I see failure, dissappointments, disaster in a more positive and encouraging way.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Always say thank you. Don't ever forget all the people that have helped you become what you are today. Even if it was only a small role, even if it seems negative back me, it played a positive big role and you should show appreciation.

Friday, January 19, 2007

an introduction to lia

I've always wanted to write a blog, but never really know what to write. A bit has to do with feeling embarrased of stripping my thoughts and allowing strangers to know the real me..or at least a deeper me.

I am a person with lots of dreams..but never rediculous enough not able to come true. Honestly, most of my dreams have come true. Sometimes I feel that I am unlucky and I wished I was someone else, but suddenly I realise that that isn't true. 90% of my dreams have come true. Even has, it did and it I did not appreciate it when it actually came. I am stupid, especially in love. I ruin love coz I'm afraid it will leave me, which at the end it actually did and I'm lonely again. Empty.

I cannot agree more, if people say I'm complicated. Yes, coz I like to make my boring life seems interesting and exciting to me. I want to believe that I am and have an interesting life, and thinking more about it, I actually have a very interesting life that most people won't be able to relate or imagine. I even sometimes think it's an illusion in my mind.

I am the kind of person that will learn by doing...learn from mistakes...learn the hard way. Not a choice of life I would recommend, but not recommending it feels like I'm not honest or I'm being stingy. I have and want to share my life to everybody in the world, coz I don't want anybody in this world to feel that they are less valueable than others. I hope that by me expressing my rights and wrongs, people will believe in themselves more and not lose hope and faith that people can be what they want to be. All you need is a dream..courage..self esteem and faith in God. My dream is to be able to give more to other dream was to be rich and do nothing else than social work. And I found out that wealth is not only in the form of material and currency, but it can also be knowledge. And I believe that I have been given alot of opportunity, experience and knowledge that money can't buy, and I would like to share it with all of you who happends to pass by this blog.

Not much but it's a start, baby steps to the foundation of my dreams. I hope I will be able to inspire and motivate people to believe in themselves. If I can do it, you can do it too. Can you imagine what you can achieve with positive people? A better life. A stronger nation. A better world to live. But I want people to always appreciate others who directly and indirectly have helped you be who you are today. Being forgotten is painful, I've felt it and I don't ever want any other person to feel it.

Who ever you are...I believe that no matter what I say here, you still will and have to experience life's wrongs and rights yourself. But why prolong when you can take a bit of short cut.

In this blog I will speak to you as honest as I've never been in my life. I am not really an honest person in words. I am honest to who I am and to what I do. I don't hide my flaws, I just distract it from sight coz you can't hide things too long, it will sure appear. I am a lonely person, I don't really have any friends. My dreams are my strength and weakness, material and jealousy is what makes me evil. Intimidation is what makes me stronger coz I will proof to myself first that I am not what they say. My failures are actually my lucky charm - this I will let you know later. It's one of my best kept secret.

I was born in 1972, January 7th in Sydney, Australia to be exact. I'm a boar. My childhood, teens and young adult life until today can be considered priviledged by others and so-so by the rest, I have an older sister and a younger brother. I'm married with someone that is so marriage material that it's ridiculeous but it's great coz now I have a son that I love but afraid that I won't be able to give him a life that my parents gave me. He is the one who adds fear in my life...fear of failing to care and preparing him for this life that he has to live and survive. What happends if I fail? He would suffer and whatever I have achieved for myself won't matter much. I am terrified!!!!

I am now in advertising...and blogs after this is my life as I know it.